NEW BEGINNINGS! The possibility to give every child and person a new start, a new beginning in life! Kingdom Center Sweden and Lone Star Conference centers Sponsoring program for arranging Camps for children, families and youth from Polen and Ucraine! In july, we received a very big group with fosterfamilies, 198 people from Poland! Those families are our […]
CONTINUE READINGPastor Randy Thomas and Lake Country Church, TX USA. Our goal is to glorify God by strengthening our community with the foundation of biblical teaching, steadfast prayer and family fellowship. Our Purpose is: Love and be loved Serve and be serve Celebrate and be celebrated Know and make known Love the father, love the church […]
CONTINUE READINGRejoice in the Lord – always!!
CONTINUE READING“Everyone likes to walk in a nice garden, stand by the shore, see the sun rise or set over the water, walk in the green forest and be in a nice house.” God did not create and put man in a junkyard. He put Adam and Eve in Eden. One of the meanings of Eden […]
CONTINUE READINGNEW BEGINNINGS! Our vision is to spark new beginnings in people of all kinds through fellowship and challenge at our center with activities, meals, music and dancing! NEW BEGINNINGS! Var med och ge barn & ungdomar från Ukraina en ny start! Sedan slutet på 90talet har vi* arbetat med att skapa roliga dagar och […]
CONTINUE READINGA life changing experience! Bring your church, association for a camp in south of Sweden. We offer and help you plan for maximized days in wonderful nature and environment! Livsförvandlande dagar! Tag med din församling, ungdomsgrupp, förening etc till ett läger/camp i södra Sverige. Vi erbjuder er hjälp att planera och ordna oförglömliga dagar tillsammans […]
CONTINUE READINGWelcome to Kingdom Life Training! Shorter or longer period and be trained and equipped for ministry! Please contact or call 0413-550260 for more information! Välkommen att bli tränad och utrustad för tjänst! Kom en kortare eller längre period och bli tränad i ledarskap, team building, projektledning etc!
CONTINUE READINGDon´t give up because times are hard! Read more POWERFUL testimonies – Click on the link and read our ebook!
CONTINUE READINGIn churches all over the world there are people with dreams and desires that God has put in their hearts. They are unsatisfied and don´t find themselves in the church. God wants His kingdom to influence all spheres of life, and He has put callings and purpose for these – In YOU!